'IT/Java'에 해당하는 글 3건

Oracle 사이트에서 발췌해온 내용입니다.

Default Java 버전 변경 시 참조하세요.

If you have not yet installed Apple's Java OS X 2012-006 update, then you are still using a version of Apple Java 6 that includes the plug-in and the Java Preferences app. See "Note for Users of OS X that Include Apple Java 6 Plug-in".

There can be multiple JDKs installed on a system, as many as you wish.

When launching a Java application through the command line, the system uses the default JDK. It is possible for the version of the JRE to be different than the version of the JDK.

You can determine which version of the JDK is the default by typing java -version in a Terminal window. If the installed version is 8u6, you will see a string that includes the text 1.8.0_06. For example:

% java -version
java version "1.8.0_06-ea"
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_06-ea-b13)
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 23.2-b04, mixed mode)

To run a different version of Java, either specify the full path, or use the java_home tool:

% /usr/libexec/java_home -v 1.8.0_06 --exec javac -version

For more information, see the java_home(1) man page.

Uninstalling the JDK

To uninstall the JDK, you must have Administrator privileges and execute the remove command either as root or by using the sudo(8) tool.

Navigate to /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines and remove the directory whose name matches the following format:Foot1


For example, to uninstall 8u6:

% rm -rf jdk1.8.0_06.jdk

Do not attempt to uninstall Java by removing the Java tools from /usr/bin. This directory is part of the system software and any changes will be reset by Apple the next time you perform an update of the OS.

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